Hello, we're trying to deploy and install a CA-signed ssl certificate on the admin vserver to get HTTPS when connecting to the cluster webgui. With the netapp.ontap.na_ontap_security_certificates module we have successfully deployed the certificate on the cluster, but it will not be used by the vserver. We somehow need to execute this command. security ssl modify -vserver [VSERVER] -serial [SERIAL] -ca [CA] Is this possible without using the na_ontap_ssh_command module? https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/netapp/ontap/na_ontap_security_certificates_module.html#ansible-collections-netapp-ontap-na-ontap-security-certificates-module
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Hello Everyone, I'm trying to get my volume tags set via System Manager with the simple powershell cmdlet "get-ncVol", but "Tags" property is always empty. I've also try the cmdlet with "-zapiCall" parameter, but having the same empty result. powershell SDK powershell 5.1 Windows 2019 Ontap 9.14.1P8 thanks in advance. Yala
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Hi Team, We have resolved the issue related to the code signing certificate, which is now valid until 2027. The versions that include this fix are and You can download them from the PowerShell Gallery. Please find the links to the packages below. PSTK Version: : Supports Rest and ZAPI both PSTK Version: : Supports ZAPI only If you have any questions, please send an email to ng-ontap-pstk-queries. Thanks, Saharsh Neema
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As usual, PSTK has failed after the upgrade to 9.15.x. Get-NcSnapshot $Volname | where-object { $_.Dependency -NotMatch "snapmirror" } |Sort-Object -Property Created -Descending Get-NcSnapshot: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Get-NcVol Get-NcVol: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Works only on second attempt
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Hello! New array deployment here. Former NetApp customer returning and looking to manage some aspects of day to day admin via the Netapp.ONTAP powershell modules. I have been unable to get connected and support suggested posting here. if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name NetApp.ONTAP) {
Write-Host "NetApp Modules are installed..."
else {
Write-Host "NetApp Module does not exist....installing now...."
Install-Module -Name NetApp.ONTAP
# Variables
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13
# Connect to array
Connect-NaController -Name $NetAppArray -Credential $cred -HTTPS Error as follows: Connect-NaController : Connection to netapp01.domain.com using HTTPS failed - The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. The error may be resolved by generating a new certificate on the storage controller, with a longer key length. At O:\Network\Scripts\PowerShell\NetApp.ps1:17 char:1 + Connect-NaController -Name $NetAppArray -Credential $cred -HTTPS + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidResult: (netapp01.domain.com:NaController) [Connect-NaController], NaConnectionSSLException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HttpConnectionFailed,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.ConnectNaController Things I have tried: Verified key length is 2048. I have tried forcing TLS 1.2 and 1.3 from powershell. Tried shortname/FQDN/IP. I have used the built-in self signed cert as well as a purchased digicert wildcard. Some output from the array (run with 'set advanced'): netapp01::*> security certificate show -fields size -type server
vserver common-name serial ca type subtype cert-name size
------- ----------- ---------------- -------- ------ ------- ------------------------- ----
netapp01 0C02639083A3E774E2E1B51125F1BB34
"DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1"
server - netapp01_wildcard2025 2048
netapp01 17D48425558215B2 netapp01 server - netapp01_17D48425558215B2 2048
4 entries were displayed. netapp01::*> security config show -fields supported-protocols
interface supported-protocols
--------- -------------------
SSL TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2 Thanks in advance for any ideas.
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